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Frequently Asked Questions

Surprisingly, some high-level professionals strongly believe that interviewing is the last thing they need assistance with and wind up failing miserably. When it comes to interviewing, you can never be too prepared. We will assist you to ensure your interviewing process with go smoothly from start to finish. We know our clients. We know what they expect and we can best prepare you for your interview.

Don’t be afraid to take the initiative to call us for an update. You may not be the only candidate for the job opening. Just know that if you’re a strong candidate, we’re singing your praises to the client. You have our solemn promise we will get back to you in a reasonable time and will keep you updated.

There is always a great deal of controversy surrounding high-level resumes. Too often the resume causes an unwanted breach of your confidentiality. At the high level where we operate, we don’t just pass the resume to our client. We screen it and update you. We ask that you step back as we offer it in promised confidentiality to our client and then craft a strategic method of formal introduction.

It’s not atypical for highly qualified individuals to not identify over half their most marketable professional assets, simply because they’re too close to their own situation. Also, because they are not truly aware of the other specialties in their own industry that would recognize their skills as a major value-add. We will help you to realize you can increase your earning potential compensation by specifically identifying each and every marketable asset you possess. We encourage our candidates to not put limits on their thinking.

The average hiring process is 42 days, however, Executive searches can take as long as four months.

  • Identifying the ‘ideal’ candidate.
  • Screening the Resume and the Candidate.
  • Reference Checks
  • The Interview processes
  • Offer Letter
Female Leadership Matters


The overall number of women in top business roles is still painfully low. Today, less than 10% of CEO’s of major companies in the U.S. are women. However, on the bright side, today over 40% of companies have over four women in the C-Suite, up from over 25% in 2018.

It’s now a proven fact that in business, female leaders can achieve agreements and make deals where men might fall short. But they have to be at the table, and they have to be given positions of leadership and authority.